How it works

Your membership opens access to EcoSoul programs, tools, experts and community to get you on a credible, practical path to net zero.


Let’s Go programs are guided by the premise that positive action outranks exactitude and perfection can be the enemy of the good. Using metrics from credible sources, including universities and government agencies, the Let’s Go program quickly gets you to a solid carbon impact number and actionable next steps. Let’s Go programs get you on the path to the action quickly.

Deep Dive programs, as the name suggests, entail greater time and expense, but provide a more precise accounting of your organization’s climate impact and your path to action.

3 Bits – Soda, Cement & Solar – Market-Driven Actions

3 Bits periodically provides three bite-sized items of interest about climate news. 1. Stepping Up Amidst SEC Setbacks. 2. Circular Construction. 3. Community Solar is Gaining Ground.

Climate Quitting and Challenging the C-Suite

Can rank-and-file workers boost companies’ climate action? Project Drawdown offers a roadmap for employees to transform their jobs and accelerate change.

3 Bits – Music To My Ears

3 Bits periodically provides three bite-sized items of interest about climate news. 1. Sustainable Sets. 2. Now Wait a Minute! 3. Solar, with a Side of Livestock.